Lesson 4: I am CUT-OUT!
Student explore a program created in Scratch to show how the cookie factory designs their cookies. Programming cards allow students to match and sequence how the program might be designed and students learn or enhance their understanding. This deepens knowledge of different code blocks (i.e. loops), creating and designing backdrops, costumes, and sprites. Students then use programming prediction cards as a guide to predict a cookie design program. Once programs are developed, students conduct a code review to provide feedback to peers, and to understand different sequences or strategies used to program a desired outcome. Additionally, students create their own cookie design that the factory will add to their program (Lesson 5). Students then use the knowledge from the previous investigation to program their new cookie design. Students conduct another code review, this time focusing on new ideas they have learned. A discussion follows the code review, where students discuss programming challenges, block types used and reasoning. |